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Institute of Community and Family Health, Inc. is a Philippine graduate school dedicated to improving the health care delivery system in the country. Our mission is to produce highly skilled health professionals who can contribute to the national and local efforts in providing quality health care to the community.

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School Bulletin

Our Master of Public Health Program

The course is designed to equip students with adequate knowledge, attitudes and skills in the practice of public health, particularly on health promotion and disease prevention, utilizing the Primary Health Care (PHC) approach. It is aimed to develop the student’s capability to assess and manage public health problems at the local, national and international levels. It also provides opportunities to develop knowledge and skills related to the student’s area of specialization, both in hospital and public health setting.


The course is open to physicians and other health professionals with a Bachelor’s degree and employed in government service (health centers, clinics and hospitals); private practitioners and qualified members of health teams from other Government Organizations (GOs) and Non – Government Organizations (NGOs) and, staff from the Academe with special interest in the practice of Public Health.

Students must earn credits of 42 units and must pass a comprehensive examination.  They will attend class only every Saturday for four (4) semesters and two (2) summers.

Our Mission

The ICFHI was established in order to support national and local efforts at improving the health care delivery system to uplift the health status of the Filipino people, particularly those who are most in need --- the urban and rural poor and ethnic minorities.  One way by which it can contribute is to train potential leaders, inculcating in them the needed human values, in tandem with the development of their technical and managerial competence.



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